A Review of the European Railway Supply Industry
for The EU Commission’s DG III, Industriel
Raymond Mourareau, EC DGIII, Brussels, Belgium
Nov 1995 to July 1996
Objective: A Comprehensive Review of the State of the Railway Supply Industry in Europe, Particular Emphasis on New Technology and the R&D Process and Resources Required
A comprehensive review of the state of the railway supply industry in Europe was accomplished using staff from the RTSC during 1990. The project ended with a successful industry symposium and an agreement by the industry to use the results of the work to gain insights on improved performance, in Europe and in competition world-wide. An update to assess performance against these agreed objectives and to determine the most important priorities, including R&D priorities, was undertaken by DG III in 1995/6.
Methodology / Analytics: A Survey of European Suppliers’ Approach to R&D and the Railway Operators’ Stated Requirements Was Mapped Against “Best Practice”
A comprehensive industry review was undertaken of both customers (the railway operators) and suppliers. Staff from the RTSC were responsible for the technology element, including a review of market requirements through interviews with key engineering, operating and planning staff within urban and national railways; railway suppliers, including identifying their development priorities; and research opportunities from more broadly based research organisations. A technology opportunity prioritisation process was undertaken, considering the significance of the technology development opportunity, the size of the potential market and the likelihood of successful product launch.
Results: The Final Report and Resulting Industry Forum Has Recommended a Focus for Certain High Priority Railway Technologies to be Developed within Europe to Retain World-Wide Industry Leadership
The final report was circulated and an industry forum provided in July 1996. The R&D portion of the recommendations, prepared by RTSC staff, recommends a more focused approach to the highest priority technologies. Technology development work is seen as principally the responsibility of railway equipment suppliers, working in co-operation with railways. Technology priorities were developed and recommended to the industry.